हैलो दोस्तो मेरे इस ब्लॉग पे आप सभी का बहोत बहोत स्वागत हे। आज हम बात करेंगे पानी पीने के बारे में कोई गर्म पानी पिता हे तो कोई ठंडा कोई ग्लास में पिता हे तो कोई बोतल में ही पानी पीना पसंद करते हे। लेकिन क्या आपने सोचा है कि अलग अलग तरीके से जो पानी पिता हे वो पानी जाता कहा हे और उसका हमारे शरीर में होता क्या है। क्यों की जाहिर सी बात है की अलग अलग तरीकोसे पिया हुआ पानी भी अलग अलग वर्क करता होगा। सबसे पहले बात करते हे की नॉर्मल पानी पीने पर शरीर में आखिर होता क्या है। तो पानी आहार नली से पेट में पहोचता है । पेट में कुछ होता नई हे इस लिए पानी Hello friends, all of you are very welcome on this blog of mine. Today we will talk about drinking water, some hot water is father, some cold one is father in glass and some like to drink water in bottle only. But have you thought that the water which is the father in different ways is said to go to the water and what happens to it in our body. Because it is obvious that drinking water in different ways would also do different things. First of all let's talk about what happens in the body after drinking normal water. So the water reaches the stomach through the alimentary canal. Something new happens in the stomach, so the water reaches the top of the intestine. Absorbs water from the small intestine and transports water to the body. Water is transported everywhere in your body according to the need. And the remaining water is brought to the kidney through the blood, where the remaining water comes out. In this way, along with water to fix the toxins and digest as well as to keep the bones connected. Chikash. And keeps the skin healthy as well as the energy of the whole body.
What happens when you drink too much water?
All the organs in the body are made up of small cells. In all the cells, 60% of the water is filled, so without water the cells of our body start withering. Along with the dryness of the skin, there is a headache and weakness.
What happens when you drink too much water? Drinking more water than necessary increases your kidney function. Apart from this, a connection starts in the body, which is named HYPONATREMIA, in fact in this condition the sodium level in your body decreases. In which the body starts accumulating water inside itself. Due to which swelling arises in the body. So these are all problems, these are all emergency problems, in which it is very important to get treatment as soon as possible. But you don't need to panic. Because people often drink so much water as new as it is harmful. There are some people who drink more water. And they also have to suffer for that. It is right to drink 8 glasses of water, this portion is considered to be 2.5 to 3 liters. But this is not a fixed number because the fruit you eat also provides water. And according to the season also the amount of water in the body increases and decreases. If you work hard and have hot weather, then you have to drink more water. Which should be increased from 8 glasses to 10 to 12 glasses. And the same if you do smart work then you should drink less than 8 glasses of water. But it is more important that whenever you need water, your body itself starts giving you signals. Those who work while sitting, they do not feel very thirsty. They should drink less water. And water needs can also be known by the color of urine. If the urine is very clean, then the amount of water is absolutely right and the shape of the urine is yellow, then your body needs water. But if you are thirsty then even water can be drunk.
What does water drunk in a hurry do by going into your body.
Drinking water quickly works in the body. Water should be drunk 3 to 4 times in a glass. Because by drinking water slowly, the red race from the mouth can get that new benefit in drinking red water quickly. For this, you should drink the choking of water by rotating it two or three times. Some of the red of the mouth reaches the body and helps in digestion.
What happens if you drink water on an empty stomach?
Friends, drinking water on an empty stomach improves digestion. And it shows effect on the body very quickly. This is because due to the emptying of your digestion, the water quickly reaches the small intestine from the stomach and then goes into the body with the blood, so it starts showing effect quickly.
What does water drunk after eating food do in the body?
So friends, when you eat anything, digestive juices are released in your stomach. Which is called HCL. Due to this acid, digestion takes place in your body, food is divided into small pieces. It is to be understood here that there is a kind of quality in water. That water is mixed in anything, it reduces its effect as much. Similarly, if you drink water after eating food, it weakens the digestive juices. Which makes it very difficult to break the food. And because of this the digestion process becomes very slow. That is why one should not drink water from half an hour to a quarter of an hour after having a meal. But if needed, one to two suffocating water can be drunk. Because the problem occurs when you drink a glass full of water.
What does hot water do in the body?
So friends, when we drink hot water, that water is in our stomach only until the temperature of our stomach and the temperature of the water become one. Similarly, if you drink frozen water, then that water remains in the stomach until the cold water becomes normal. The muscles of our stomach start contracting due to cold water. Due to this, the disease of phlegm also starts increasing because whatever is too much in contact with it, it starts to accumulate. When the food present in the stomach comes in contact with cold water, the food becomes harder than before. Which becomes more difficult for the stomach to digest. And the specialty of the same water is that drinking hot water makes the food soft. And digestion becomes easy and phlegm also gets rid of. But hot does not mean very hot, it is a matter of medium. Because too much cold or too hot water is harmful for the body. Generally you should drink normal and light warm water. If the weather is hot, then pot water can be used. But the problem occurs when you drink too much cold water from the freeze. Friends, when we exercise, the water of the body comes out very fast through sweat. When we drink water, it helps in maintaining hydration in our body. While exercising, do not drink all the water at once, but drink slowly because it can harm your excise. While doing the exercise, you have to drink water little by little in 15 minutes.
What does water drunk from a plastic bottle do by going into the body?
So friends, sometimes drinking water in a plastic bottle would have made a big difference. But the problem occurs when you regularly use drinking water only from a plastic bottle. Actually, BPA and many other chemicals are used in making plastic bottles. But the chemical starts releasing as soon as it comes in contact with the bottle's interest. Apart from having a bad effect on the emu policy, this water also has a bad effect on hormones. Drinking water in a plastic bottle for a long time also increases the chances of getting cancer. If possible, you should use a new plastic bottle.
what happens if you drink water before sleeping
Friends, while sleeping, water is used in comparison to mango. And by drinking more water, there is a possibility of waking up to sleep in the middle of the night and then there may be a problem in sleeping again.
So this was some information, I hope you like this information of mine, then you will meet with another post till then by by by
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